Children’s Pastor
Brief info
Janet Mauldin is head over the Children’s department at TCC. She has been working over Kingdom Kids ever since Victory Chapel merged with TCC in 2014. Janet received the calling into Children’s ministry at the age of 14 and has been involved in teaching ever since. She received her associate’s degree in Child Development from Murray State College and worked with pre-school children for many years. She has also worked as youth pastor in church and helps lead a Ladies prayer group within TCC. Janet is married to the Senior Pastor, Chris Mauldin. They have been married since March of 2002. They have four children Joshua, Cherish, Elijah, and Grace. She has been led by the Lord to stay home and homeschool her children. Joshua and Cherish have graduated and Joshua is the Youth Pastor and Cherish sings and plays keyboard with the worship team. Janet fully believes she has been called to the serve the Lord and it is an honor to teach children and introduce them to the Lord. She believes whole heartedly in Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way they should go and when they get older they will not depart from it.” She also believes encouraging children to build a relationship with the Lord seeking after His heart searching His word, The Bible, and spending time in prayer.