Worship Leaders
Brief info
Jayson Kime has served on the Thackerville Community Church Worship Team since 2021, but
assumed the position of Worship Leader in 2024. He was raised in Ardmore, Oklahoma, where as a preteen, he began taking guitar lessons & found a love of music. He accepted Jesus at the age of 15 & began walking in his calling as a worshiper shortly thereafter.
Although he walked far from his faith in his early twenties, his remembrance of his first love, Jesus, and recommitment to his faith were powerful & have stood the test of time.
Jayson married his wife, Robin, a lifelong Thackerville resident, in 2005. They have served together as Worship leaders in Southern Oklahoma & Northern Texas ever since.
They are passionate about seeking the presence of God, creating an atmosphere that encourages others to seek His Presence, & teaching other worshippers to walk in passion rather than performance.
Jayson & Robin are a blended family, both coming to their marriage with 2 children; Jade, Blake, Trinity, & Sethan. Six years later they welcomed daughter, Lyric, to the tribe. As a surprise plot-twist, they are now raising their 5 year-old granddaughter, Ember. They live in Thackerville
with their 2 girls.